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but this is very old now

use social engineering toolkit for this
you can use this method on WAN too..

jus forwad your port 80 for your pc ip and share your ip with victim like.. http:/ ... follow gujjar bro tutorial to forward port
if you want to secure your privacy and dont want to share your ip :)then use no ip

register a no ip account and set up a free host..and install its DUC or host updater on your pc..which automatically update you ip with your hostname..... now jst send your host name to victim as website .. like if ur host is send it to victim.... and when he will paste it on browser... he will be taken to your fake page

but if you think this will not let your ip viewed by your victim.. it is not possible... i mean if your victim give ping requst to ur host. he can see your ip there... but dont worry he wont waist his time if he is not smart haha

and if you want to go more advance... but it work in LAN you can force your victim to redirect him to you facebook fake login page... by manipulating DNS adress of facebook ..... and change it to your fake page address
when the user open real fcebook.. it will be redirect to your fake page


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